01 C 24 A: The volunteers all quit the campaign in the final week. B: If they ______ overworked in the beginning, they would have helped finish the project. (A) were not (B) was not (C) had not been (D) have not been 02 A 24 A: Do you want to leave a message for Marie? B: If she ______, tell her I will call her back as soon as I return. (A) calls (B) called (C) will call (D) is going to call 03 B 24 A: Do you think the supervisers did all that they could? B: They could have prevented this problem ______ it beforehand. (A) if they knew (B) if they had known (C) if had they known (D) whether 04 C 24 A: How did your parents know you failed the exam? B: They knew I _________ if I had passed the final exam. (A) graduated (B) would graduate (C) would have graduated (D) will graduate 05 C 24 A: Could you write a recommendation for me? B: Because you worked only a month, I would not write a recommendation for you even if you ______. (A) could beg (B) beg (C) begged (D) will beg 06 D 24 A: Do you think the proposed flexible work schedule will be implemented? B: If ______ enough interest, it will be. (A) there be (B) there will be (C) there are (D) there is 07 A 24 A: The teaching assistant's explanation was completely incoherent. B: He will be more understandable if he ______ more clearly next time. (A) speaks (B) spoke (C) will speak (D) has spoken 08 B 24 A: Shouldn't the band members cover their instruments? B: If it ______ to rain, they will. (A) will start (B) starts (C) started (D) had started 09 C 24 A: I can't believe the insurance company didn't pay. B: Had the damage been worse, they __________. (A) would pay (B) paid (C) would have (D) did pay 10 A 24 A: I was surprised that you didn't buy the painting. B: If I'd __________ the money, I would have bought it. (A) had (B) has (C) had (D) would have 11 B 24 A: Why didn't you accept the bank's proposal? B: If the terms had been better, I __________. A: would B: would have C: did D: do 12 C 24 A: It's impossible to learn a new language. B: Not if you __________ the right attitude. A: will have B: did have C: have D: are having 13 C 24 A: You shouldn't have gone on such a dangerous hike. B: Had we known the snowstorm would be so treacherous, we __________ . A: did not go B: would not go C: would not have gone D: would not gone 14 A 24 A: There are too many people living on the street. B: If more low-cost housing __________, the poor would not have to live on the street. A: were available B: is available C: are available D: is available 15 C 24 A: Jeff wants to go to the new restaurant downtown. B: Then we automatically __________it because he is consitently too extravagant for our tastes. A: vetoed B: vetoing C: veto D: did veto 16 C 24 A: Why should we develop the resources of forest and water power? B: If they were more fully developed, the economy would not __________ so dependent on imports. A: have been B: been C: be D: being 17 A 24 A: Greg is always in trouble. B: If he __________the rules as they were explained to him, he would not have been in such a predicament. A: had followed B: followed C: to follow D: following 18 B 24 A: I didn't really enjoy the movie very much. B: You __________ it if you had read the book before seeing it. A: would enjoy B: would have enjoyed C: would enjoying D: would have enjoying 19 C 24 A: The library is closed over the holidays. B: Then it __________ very difficult to finish the research project. A: would be B: be C: will be D: would 20 C 24 A: What happens if everyone in the committee agrees? B: If they all __________ , the proposal will go into effect immediately. A: would agree B: will agree C: agree D: would